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Dr. Kigawa is overseas in Hungary supporting his son, Ryan, at his Water Polo Tournament. Good luck Ryan!!!! 🙂
“Temptations, unlike opportunities, will always give you many second chances.” - O. A. Battista (Scientist and writer).
Hi we are updating our website, Thanks for your patience.
The year course by Implant Educators is culminating in my receiving my Fellowship in the International Congress of Oral Implantologists this weekend. I will be awarded my Fellowship along…
Hard work without talent is a shame, but talent without hard work is a tragedy. -Robert Half (staffing consultant).
Luckily, my team the Rams aren't close to making it back to the Super Bowl. Dr. Gittlelson is from NY and he makes a sometimes dry subject like Implant…
“Sometimes the best things are right in front of you; it just takes some time to see them.” - Gladys Knight, singer.
Please take note that our office will be closed starting December 24th until January 3, 2011. Hope everyone has a fun, and safe holiday, and a happy New Year!!!
Today is our last workday for the year. This was an interesting year for us, but nonetheless, we were blessed. We would like to thank all…
Follow us on Facebook at Facebook.com/ Kayla Kigawa D.D.S.
Day to end before lunch 1:00 PM.
Welcome to Dr. Kigawa’s Dental Blog!
Welcome to Dr. Kigawas Dental Blog/Website. Here you may leave a comment, ask us a question, or contact us. Stay updated with the Latest News, Holiday schedules…